Welcome to St. John Neumann Catholic Church!

Every Catholic church holds a special place in the hearts of believers.  We go to our parish churches to encounter Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, both at Mass and in the tabernacle.  We bring our babies there to have them brought into the family of God, and we bring our deceased loved ones there to pray for them on their journey home. Couples exchange and renew wedding vows in their parish church.  The repentant sinner finds the consolation of the sacrament of Reconciliation.  In their parish church, people find the support and nourishment that can only be given by other members of the Body of Christ. 

Welcome to the parish church of St. John Neumann – 1825 households strong, 72 of which have joined us since July 2012!  Pray with us, worship with us, walk with us as we grow in our identity as daughters and sons of a loving Father and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ!

Rev. Joseph MPR Cocucci, KHS




Office Hours

Monday-Friday 10:00 AM - Noon; and 1:00 - 2:30 PM



There will be no CONFESSIONS at 3:00 PM

There will be no 4:00 PM MASS

Except for the Mass at the Eucharistic Congress, there will be no "available" Saturday Vigil Mass on October 5th anywhere in the Diocese of Wilmington, including in private houses.  By decree of the Diocese.

St. John Neumann Parish Picnic

Sunday, September 15, 2024, from 12:30 - 2:30 pm

Showell Park (or at MBS if it rains)

Join us for lots of FOOD, FUN and FELLOWSHIP!

Menu: chicken, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, pasta salad and refreshing drinks.  Just bring a dessert to share!

We will have coolers at the park before the 11:00 am Mass if you would like to drop your dessert off before church begins.  There will be fun games for all ages!

Let's take some time out of our busy schedules to share in fellowship together!  Please RSVP and make payment (cash or check) to the church office.

If you have any questions or would like to help with the picnic, please contact Karen Marx at kmarx@stjnrcc.com or 410-208-2956


FEBRUARY 1, 2025

Women of Faith: Witness, Pray, Love

St. John Neumann Parish is hosting a women's retreat on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at St. Andrew Parish Center, 144th Street and Sinepuxent Road, Ocean City, MD.  The retreat will begin at 8:30 AM and end at 3:30 PM.  Following the retreat, you are invited to attend the 4:00 PM Mass at St. Luke's.

Ginny Dauses will be our facilitator.  Ginny has a degree in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville.  She is the founder of 12 Noon Ministries, has been a Campus Minister, Youth Minister, Retreat Leader and National Speaker.

The cost of the retreat will be $35.00 which covers lunch and snacks.  Please contact the St. John Neumann Parish Office at 410-208-2956 to register and/or for additional information.  Space is limited to 75 participants.  Registration and payment are due no later than December 31st (checks and cash only).

Next week, parishioners throughout the diocese will be asked to help make the dream of a Catholic education a reality for many struggling Catholic families.  Monies raised through this collection coupled with the diocese's tuition assistance endowment provides financial assistance to hundreds of deserving families who seek a Catholic education for their children but who cannot afford the full cost of tuition.

Through this collection, our Bishop is reaching out to believing and worshipping Catholics like you to assist him in ensuring the Catholic commitment to total education of our children does not fade away because people cannot afford it.  Our Catholic Church has the mission to educate and this mission directly affects the quality of life we experience as Catholics, all of us have a stake in Catholic education.

I ask you to generously support next week's Share in the Spirit collection.  God bless you for your ongoing goodness.

To learn more about the Share in the Spirit collection and its importance, go to the diocesan website at http://www.cdow.org/share-in-the-spirit.




Registration for the 2024 Eucharistic Congress being held October 5th, 2024 at the Ocean City Convention Center is now open.  For additoianl information and registration, visit cdow.org/Eucharistic Congress.   Registration closes September 27th.

Please click this link to a video for Bishop Koenig's invitaiton.



Consider automating your donations with our electronc giving program.  Electronic giving is convenient for you and provides much needed consistency for our parish.  There is no cost to you to participate.  And if you travel or other circumstances prevent you from attending mass, this program will allow your monthly offerings to continue uninterrupted.  Many of our families have taken advantage of this easy-to-use approach to contributing to our parish ministries.  If you are interested, please complete an Electronic Giving Form or contact Deacon Dave Kolesky in our parish office at 410-208-2956.  The form can be found on the parish website, in the Online Giving tab, in the gathering space, and at the parish office.  All online giving information is secure and kept totally confidential.



PLEASE, if you have not signed up for our "remind.com" information service, send an email to sjnremind@gmail.com to do that now. You'll need to give your name with either your CELL phone (not your landline) and/or your email address. Then, watch your text messages and emails. You will receive either a text or an email from remind.com that will give you instructions on how to complete your registration. If you HAVE signed up but are not receiving messages from Fr. Cocucci, that means that you did not respond to the text or email sent by remind.com. Please check your emails and texts (including your junk mail folders) from around the time you sent in your information and respond to whatever remind.com sent you. This program allows Fr. Cocucci to get important and sometimes urgent information to you efficiently.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support!


Every Friday at Columbus Hall, 100th Street, Ocean City (behind St. Luke Catholic Church).  Doors open at 5PM, and bingo starts at 6:30PM.  Jackpots up to $1,000.  Food and beverages are available for purchase. 




St. John Neumann, St. Mary Star of the Sea/Holy Savior, and St. Luke/St. Andrew cordially invite you!

All widowed persons experiencing loss of a spouse are invited to join others in prayer, discussion, and social support in the healing journey.  We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 2 pm for prayer, reflection and sharing. Meeting venue is the Ocean Pines Community Center, 235 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD 21811.  On the 4th Monday of each month we meet at 12 pm for lunch and conversation at a local restaurant of our choice. For more information, contact:

Jo Alexander  410-829-5231;  alexjackjo@verizon .net

Cindy Ostrowski 301-717-6271;  cindyostr@gmail.com

Al Carmenini  410-600-0549; alcarms@aol.com


The BEST way to be informed about weather related cancellations of Masses or other parish events is to sign up for St. John Neumann's "Remind.com" service.  This allows the Pastor to send out important notifications by email or text to everyone who participates.  In the event of inclement weather, you can also call the main parish number (410-208-2956) and select Option 3 to find out if Mass has been cancelled.  A recorded message will alert you to that cancellation.  In addition, you can check the Parish website (www.stjohnneumannrcc.com). 


2024 50/50 RAFFLE

52 Chances to Win in 2024!!

Tickets are 1 for $20, 3 for $50, 7 for $100 or 12 for $150.

Tickets can still be purchased at the Parish Office during regular business hours.  Also, there are packets (12 tickets/packet) and individual tickets with return envelopes available in the gathering area.  Drawings take place every Monday throughout the year.  All proceeds benefit Parish Religious Education Programs.  We are grateful for your support!  



You can always find a Catholic Church wherever you go for the summer.

Click the link below and follow the instructions to find a parish near your vacation spot.



Did you know that in 2003 in response to the United States Conference of Bishops' Charter for the Protection of Children, the Diocese developed a safe environment program entitled For the Sake of God's Children?  The Bishop, all priests, deacons, seminarians, religious brothers and sisters, and all lay employees and volunteers participate in the program to assure that a comprehensive, safe environment exists in our parishes, schools and institutions.  For more information, go to www.cdow.org and click on For the Sake of God's Children. 

 Your help is needed.....

Has your mailing address or other contact information changed? Are you planning to move out of the Parish? Please help us to keep our Parish records up to date by contacting the parish office with any changes, 410-208-2956.  Thanks!

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Our Diocese Archives - The Dialog

Sister Corda Marie Bergbauer, former superior general of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, dies

ASTON, Pa. — Sister Corda Marie Bergbauer, the former superior general of the Sisters of St. Francis, died at Crozer Chester Medical Center on Sept. 5. A native of Philadelphia, she was a professed member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia for 75 years. Sister Corda ministered primarily in education and administration. She […]

The post Sister Corda Marie Bergbauer, former superior general of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, dies appeared first on The Dialog.

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A 34-year relationship with Saint Mark’s High School serves interim principal Eileen Wilkinson well

MILLTOWN —Eileen Wilkinson has been at Saint Mark’s High School three different stints, including the most recent since March 2022, when she returned as a social studies teacher, then department chair and assistant principal. When the school had a sudden need for a principal just weeks before students returned this year, she took the next […]

The post A 34-year relationship with Saint Mark’s High School serves interim principal Eileen Wilkinson well appeared first on The Dialog.

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September events to enjoy around the Diocese of Wilmington; plus, register for Oct. 5 Eucharistic Congress in Ocean City, Md.

As we slide into the beautiful days of September, there is so much to do around the Diocese of Wilmington. Find an opportunity to enjoy family and faith activities and support good causes as well. Check these out: • Although it takes place in October, it’s never too early to sign up for the Diocesan […]

The post September events to enjoy around the Diocese of Wilmington; plus, register for Oct. 5 Eucharistic Congress in Ocean City, Md. appeared first on The Dialog.

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