Religious Education
Children in Grades K - 8th
interested in Religious Education
Register Today!
St. John Neumann Religious Education Classes
Our first day of RE will be Sunday, September 15th
from 9:15 – 10:30 AM
You may access the Registration Form here. Please complete the form and return a copy and appropraite fees to the St. John Neumann church office. Please remember if you are new to the parish, a Baptismal Certificate must be submitted with your registration and payment.
Please label it to the attention of : Karen Marx, Coordinator of Religious Education. Thank you!
If you are already registered, look for an email from
Mrs. Marx with details and calendar for the new year coming soon! ????
Does my child have to attend Sacramental Preparation classes for First Communion if they attend MBS?
Yes, Sacramental Preparation classes are in addition to the regular participation in the weekly religious education classes or Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School and are attended by both parent and child. Attendance at all classes as well as faith guidance at home is necessary for the proper formation of the students. Building a strong foundation of our Roman Catholic faith is the main goal of our collective efforts.
Does my child have to attend Sacramental Preparation classes for First Communion if they attend Religious Education classes?
Yes, Sacramental Preparation classes are in addition to the regular participation in the weekly religious education classes or Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School and are attended by both parent and child. Attendance at all classes as well as faith guidance at home is necessary for the proper formation of the students. Building a strong foundation of our Roman Catholic faith is the main goal of our collective efforts.
Does my child have to attend Sacramental Preparation classes for Confirmation if they attend MBS?
Yes, Sacramental Preparation classes are in addition to the regular participation in the weekly religious education classes or Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School and are attended by both parent and child. Attendance at all classes as well as faith guidance at home is necessary for the proper formation of the students. Building a strong foundation of our Roman Catholic faith is the main goal of our collective efforts.
Does my child have to attend Sacramental Preparation classes for Confirmation if they attend Religious Education classes?
Yes, Sacramental Preparation classes are in addition to the regular participation in the weekly religious education classes or Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School and are attended by both parent and child. Attendance at all classes as well as faith guidance at home is necessary for the proper formation of the students. Building a strong foundation of our Roman Catholic faith is the main goal of our collective efforts.
Does my child have to attend Religious Education classes for one year before receiving First Communion or Confirmation?
Yes, children must be enrolled in a Religious Education Program prior to the reception of a sacrament. This education must be continuous from Kindergarten. If this is not the case then some additional religious instruction might be necessary prior to the reception of the Sacrament. Children in the 2nd grade celebrate First Reconciliation in the Fall and First Holy Communion in the Spring. Confirmation Sessions begin in the Fall of the 8th grade and this Sacrament is celebrated by the Bishop in the Spring of the 8th grade. Children must be registered for Confirmation Sessions.
Does my child need to be a registered parishioner at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in order to attend Religious Education classes?
Yes, children enrolled in St. John Neumann Religious Edcution should also be registered memebers of the church with their familiy. If you are a member of another church/parish and wish to attend St. John Neumann Religious Education or Sacrament Preparation classes, you must have written permission from your church/parish. Please contact Karen Marx, Corridinator of Religious Education, for more information.