Schedules for Liturgical Ministers
Click here to view the Liturgical Ministers' Schedule for November 9,2024 through January 26, 2025
“The Second Vatican Council in the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, stated: “The Texts and the Rites should be clearly manifested so that devout and active participation by the Faithful may be more easily accomplished. “(Sacramentary).
At St. John Neumann our Liturgical Mission is to provide worship experiences that nurture and renew the hearts and souls of those who gather in the name of Christ. The following is a description of the various Liturgical Ministries needed in order to minister to parishioners year round as well as the many visitors who enter our doors to worship Christ in a Catholic Community.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in the distribution of the consecrated Body and Blood of Christ to the gathered faithful during the Eucharistic Celebration. Our Diocese has specific guidelines in appointing and training those faithful who are called to this special ministry. The Diocese of Wilmington offers required formation classes throughout the year. Training continues at the parish level to prepare new Ministers of Holy Communion in their specific duties. We also have a very active group of trained parishioners who serve as Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick. They visit hospitals, nursing homes, as well as our home-bound parishioners.
Lectors-The Lector proclaims the Word of God in the Liturgy of the Word during Mass and as part of special services including Advent and Lenten Penance Services, Eucharistic Holy Hours, and our Parish Mission. Lectors proclaim at all Masses. In conjunction with the Diocese of Wilmington guidelines for Ministers of the Word, the Parish has an established training session for new Lectors and a complete review for those who were Lectors in their previous parish. Please contact the Pastor's Office at 410-208-4580 for more information!
Altar Servers-Our parish is always open to the special ministry provided by our Children as Altar Servers at weekend Masses as well as Adult Altar Servers who serve during the weekday Masses. Young people in grades 4-12 are invited to be a part of this ministry. Training of altar servers is done by Deacon Charles Weschler. Adult Altar Servers are trained by other Adult Servers. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.